The M&P Committee oversees the relationship of our church staff – with each other, with the various Ministry Teams, with the Board, and also with YOU, the congregation.  The Committee’s role is to continually monitor and review the effectiveness of staff in relation to the congregation’s mission, and to oversee the relationship between staff and the congregation.   We want to ensure a healthy climate in the congregation where constructive feedback can be offered and received in a positive way.  

OUR STAFF fall into three categories: 

MINISTRY PERSONNEL: Rev. Dianne Collery, Ordained Minister 

LAY EMPLOYEES are:  Fiona Wratislav, (Online Service Coordinator & Early Worship Service Leader); Adele Cave, (Office Administrator); Anne Bennett (11 a.m. service Choir Director); Pierre Pare (Custodian) 

CONTRACTORS are our organist/pianist, John Nelson, and Mantenance Worker, Kevin Nicholson supervised by the Resource Management Ministry.

OUR M&P COMMITTEE are:  Jan Greig, Susan Lee, Elaine MacDougall & June Arnett.  We are the congregation’s liaison with our wonderful St. Stephen’s staff.    Please speak to any one of us if you have a question or concern.  We look forward to working with all of you.