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Wednesday in Holy Week

On this day, Judas Iscariot entered into an agreement with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus to them.

Scripture reading: John 13:21–30


How much are you worth to me, Jesus?
The Gospel tells us that to Judas, 
you were worth thirty pieces of silver. 
Not much – a day’s wages –
hardly a reason for such a betrayal. 
And to the others –
the dozy eleven who fell asleep in the garden, 
put on a brief show of bravado, 
then forsook you and fled? 
They didn't value you all that highly either, it would seem. 
And what about me? 
What about me, concerned, like they were, 
far more with my own agenda 
than with yours, most of the time? 
Do I really value you above my issues, my needs, 
even my understanding of the faith? 
On this day, Jesus, help me admit, 
yet again, 
my need of your forgiving kiss, 
and remind me that you value me far higher 
than I deserve 
or can ever repay. 

Wild Goose Publications
Fourth Floor, Savoy House
140 Sauchiehall Street, 
Glasgow G2 3DH, UK

Photo by Syd Sujuaan on Unsplash