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From: The Message/Remix: Solo, An Uncommon Devotional Day 66

Talking Transparently With God

Read Job 19:13-27.  Read the passage slowly, noticing the raw way Job communicates about God.

Here is a link to that reading in an online bible:

As you read Job’s honest description of his situation – what it’s really like – what word or phrase gives voice to some of your own thoughts, feelings and desires?  Perhaps one of Job’s statements brings to mind something in your life that’s weighing on you or confuses you.

Talk to God about the feelings and thoughts that surface.  Be as open as Job as you share them with him.  You might write them out to him or just talk to him like a friend – one you’re in conflict with, but one who wants to work through that conflict with you.

As you go through the rest of your day, pay close attention to thoughts and feelings (similar to or different from those in your prayer time) that arise in relation to events, conversations, and experiences.  Tell God about them as they come up, so you’re carrying on an extended dialogue with him all day long. 

At the end of the day, take a few moments to remember what happened, in particular what it was like to talk to God throughout the day’s circumstances.

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash