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Monday in Holy Week

On this day, Jesus and his disciples stayed in the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus in Bethany – where Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume, and wiped them with her hair.

Scripture reading: John 12:1– 7 


God of love, 
in Jesus we see the true nature of your love –
vulnerable, personal, costly, setting love’s standards for all time. 
Look in mercy on us, 
whose loving rarely even approaches the standard set by Jesus. 
Forgive us –
and help us to be encouraged by the openness 
Jesus showed to Martha and to Mary –
as to all who loved him, even a little, in their own way. 
Help us to love a little more like Jesus, 
so that the scent of love may be detected in our lives. 
We ask this in Jesus’ name. 

Wild Goose Publications
Fourth Floor, Savoy House
140 Sauchiehall Street, 
Glasgow G2 3DH, UK

Photo by Syd Sujuaan on Unsplash