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In the Christian faith we believe that God came to live in human form here on earth.  We believe in a God who cares about physical things like our bodies and this earth. We believe in a God who calls us to be more than just spiritual being, but knows we are physical amazingly complex embodied creatures.  And so we believe that our bodies have been designed to help us to know and experience God with us and around us.  Today in this lovely prayer crafted by Scott Wall, we are drawn to remember again how our bodies help us to know and experience the One who made and loves us.

My Body Teaches Me

What does my body teach me?
That tender touch and fingerprints on glass are divinely inspired?
That I can taste the sacred in coffee, cheese, roasted vegetables, and pastry?
That the echoes of the expanding universe are heard in rolling laughter and affirming words?
That I can see holy likeness in my friend’s gaze, my neighbour’s wave, that stranger’s quickly hidden tears?
Oh God, Creator, Force of Being –
let me move through the world as though my body were always telling me where you are.
                        Scott Wall

With grateful thanks to Commons Church and Bobby Salkeld for granting us permission to incorporate these prayers into our daily devotionals.
From A Season Like No Other: Commons Prayers, Bobbi Salkeld, Jeanne New, Kevin Borst, Larissa Amour, Ryan Petkau, Scott Wall, Yelena Pakhomova, Printing in Calgary, Alberta 2021. p. 30


Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash