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                   I have come that they may have life, and have life abundantly. -John 10:10

The past two years during the COVID-19 pandemic have led many of us to enter into Advent in unique and different ways. It has led us to begin this season with a new perspective on what is most essential in our lives. We have an opportunity to continue to shift our gaze from what, for many, is the "normal" frenzy of holiday shopping and busyness — even more so as life for some returns to that past state of normal — to new ways of being and connecting that are lighter on the earth and that promote the life and dignity of all creation.  Perhaps, because of this year's many upheavals, Advent could be welcomed as a time to slow down, to wait in hope for the promise of peace that the Christ child brings.

With severe flooding from climate change, and a new corona virus, Christmas this year will again be different for many people — many displaced from their homes due to flooding,  fewer gatherings with family and friends, restricted worship services, restricted travel. The pandemic and climate change bring stress, but they can also force us to appreciate the simple things and relook at our relationship with the earth and how we live.

As we begin our journey of hope in this Advent season, we remember God's abundance, from the Garden of Eden to the gift of Jesus' life to the world. The abundant life that God promises is not dependent on material goods, often a focus leading up to Christmas, but centers on loving relationships and justice. 

Living more gently on the earth implies thinking about many facets of life — how we use the planet's resources, how we use technology, how we decide where we're going to travel and how we're going to get there, and how we manage our food from the farm to our plates. How we care for one another and God’s world, and how we live sustainably.
We're very pressed for time, and that often leads us to make decisions that are worse for the environment. Advent is a time to slow down and be more intentional.

ASK   - As you wait in joyful hope for Christmas, how are you being called to simplify and live abundantly during this Advent season? 

ACT   - Set your intention for living simply and abundantly this Advent. 

PRAY   -     live simply 

Compassionate and loving God,
you created the world for us all to share,
a world of beauty and plenty.
Create in us a desire to live simply,
so that our lives may reflect your generosity. 

Creator God,
You gave us responsibility for the earth, a world of riches and delight.
Create in us a desire to live sustainably, so that those who follow after us
may enjoy the fruits of your creation. 

God of peace and justice,
You give us the capacity to change,
to bring about a world that mirrors your wisdom. 

Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,
so that the pillars of injustice crumble
and those now crushed are set free. 

 [Linda Jones / CAFOD ]

Photo by Kae Anderson on Unsplash