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Today as you prepare for the weekend we encourage you to take some time to be with God.  So often when we turn towards God we have something we want to say to Him.  But, as with any relationship, listening is as or perhaps even more important than speaking.  If we do all of the talking God certainly gets to know our hearts, but if we never listen for God then we can’t really come to know His heart.  So today, I pray that God might use this poem to draw you close and open your heart and your mind and your ears to listen for God’s still small voice (1 Kings 19:12).

    We are ready to listen

Healing, sovereign God,
    overmatch our resistant ears
    with your transforming speech.
Penetrate our jadedness and fatigue.
Touch our yearnings by your words.
Through your out-loudness, draw us closer to you.
We are ready to listen.

May God’s blessing be upon you today,

(Poem from: Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann, Edited by Edwin Searcy, Fortress Press Minneapolis 2003.)

Photo by ABDULLA M on Unsplash