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As you may know, St Stephens is a worshiping community that follows the Lectionary: prescribed biblical readings organized into a 3-year cycle in an effort to touch on the fundamental stories and topics of the Holy Scriptures. We also recognize the feasts and holidays of the church calendar. This Sunday, we acknowledge All Saints Day (the day after All Hallows Eve aka Halloween).  

Saints as we refer to them in this sense, are those believers who go before us (rather than St. Paul, St. Peter etc., they’re the capital “S’’ saints). Saints are regular people, believers who have personally had some impact on our faith; often relatives, friends, fellow-congregants, who have shown us what it means to follow Jesus through good times and bad.

This week we remember their faith, we remember their lessons of grace and forgiveness, and we remember the love they shared. As we enter into worship this week, I hope these hymns and songs will help take you closer into God’s own heart and help you follow Him.




By Faith   

Faith of Our Fathers